Shipping Policy
Booking terms - One Planet Picnic
Changes in booking and booking cancellation
Changes in the number of portions can be made after both parties, the customer and Agrigera AB, reach a common agreement.
The customer will notify Agrigera AB the final total number of servings, and any food allergies and such, no later than 14 calendar days before the booked event start date.
In case of cancellation made 4 – 13 calendar days before the event, half of the total booking price will be invoiced. Cancellation later than three calendar days (72 hours before the start of the booked event) means that the entire price of the booking will be invoiced.
Payment is made in advance via invoice (due date 10 days after invoice date), which is sent by e-mail, or through online payment. You can pay via invoice or Swish. You will find payment instruction in your booking confirmation email.
Force majeure
Agrigera AB is not liable for any failure or delay in fulfilling the booking, if fulfilling the booking is prevented by force majeure. Force majeure includes war, extensive labor dispute, blockade, fire, environmental disaster, serious spread of infection, or any other circumstance beyond our control that prevents us from fulfilling our obligations under this Agreement, or if the fulfilment is based on new circumstances beyond our control that can only be carried out at an abnormally high cost.
You hereby consent and understand that we can use any photo that is taken in connection with the event for our marketing, or similar, purposes, as long as nothing else has been agreed.
Booking terms - Guided hikes
Changes in booking and booking cancellation
Changes in the number of participants can be made after both parties, the customer and Agrigera AB, reach a common agreement.
Cancellation later than three calendar days (72 hours before the start of the booked event) means that only half of the entire price of the booking will be refunded.
Payment is made in advance via invoice (due date 10 days after invoice date), which is sent by e-mail, or through online payment.
Force majeure
Agrigera AB is not liable for any failure or delay in fulfilling the booking, if fulfilling the booking is prevented by force majeure. Force majeure includes war, extensive labor dispute, blockade, fire, environmental disaster, serious spread of infection, or any other circumstance beyond our control that prevents us from fulfilling our obligations under this Agreement, or if the fulfilment is based on new circumstances beyond our control that can only be carried out at an abnormally high cost.
You hereby consent and understand that we can use any photo that is taken in connection with the event for our marketing, or similar, purposes, as long as nothing else has been agreed.