Experience the Conservatory of the Future | Aquaponics farm

Price from: 1,340kr

Be inspired and learn all about aquaponics during your stay at Ödevata Country Hotel!

We will show and guide you through our Conservatory of the Future, a large green house we built, where we grow fruits and vegetables in our aquaponics farm.

SEK 1340, for 1 – 2 persons study visit + overnight stay in a double room including breakfast in our country hotel.

The aquaponics study tour and guide takes about 40 minutes. We do it after you have had a good breakfast at our country hotel.

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Want to have an unforgettable holiday? Then explore our Conservatory of the Future, a 165 square meter green house in the middle of Småland! Stay in our wonderful country hotel and learn everything about aquaponics. We will show and guide you through our Conservatory of the Future, where we grow fruits and vegetables in our aquaponics farm.

An aquaponics farm is a closed cultivation system where fish and vegetables are grown together. The fish fertilizes the plants, and the plants purify the water for the fish. What makes our plants even more interesting is that we grow them in our own biochar, which acts both as a fertilizer alternative and a fantastic filter system. Welcome and we will share our story and hopefully inspire you about sustainable living during your stay.

Tour length

40 min

Price includes

1340 kr for 1-2 persons: 1 study tour + 1 night in a double room at the country hotel, incl. breakfast

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