Tourist attractions around lake Siljan in Sweden
There are many tourist attractions around lake Siljan in Sweden. The region is full of unique culture and outdoors adventures. Learn more about a Summer och Winter visit to the Siljan region.
Ice on lake Ore Geo Park Siljan Snow wonderland
Nature sites
- Visit villages and nature in Dalarna. Dalarna in Sweden is an important and fantastic outdoor destination. The nature is clean. You can nearly always drink the water from the rivers. However, in the winter time, many of the lakes are frozen. You can try winter fishing, cross country skiing and even ice skating
- Do not miss the Geopark Siljan and explore the traces of the Meteorite which hit the Siljan Dalarna region 377 million years ago. Geopark Siljan features unique geological values and you can find traces of ice-dammed lakes, areas with flying dunes and ice-pits. There are several stunning nature sites to choose from. For example, you can explore lim- stone quarries, where you can find unique bedrock formation and fossils.
- Take a hike. The circle (Siljansringen) shaped by lake Siljan, connecting rivers and lakes form a long hiking trails through the beautiful historic landscapes with significant geological values. The landscape has been formed by the forces of nature. Namely, hills, mountains and valleys. In addition, there are wetlands, streams and lakes. Also other nature formation you can find are high ridges, small ponds, pebble ridges, flying sand fields and ice pits.
- Go see the wildflowers. The environment is host to unique flora and fauna. The combination of sand and lime has created the conditions for rare plants and species to grow and thrive.
Culture sites
- One lasting summer memory is to watch an opera performance at Dalhalla, an open air theater with 4000 seats. The theater is located in an old limestone quarry.
- Check out the local agriculture and heritage sites and summer grazing farms. More info below.
- Visit nearby destinations, such as Furudal and lake Ore.
- Visit the many nature reserves in the Siljan and Furudal region. There you can solo hike or have a guide to show you the most beautiful historic spots in the forest.
Hike amongst amazing forest landscapes
Climb or hike up one of the many mountain peaks or hills. The sights and views will be one single massive forests with pine trees and steep spruce-clad slopes. In parts of the region, the forest are flat with high lying bogs and in other parts. However, other parts are more barren and dry.
Much of the woodland is designated to forestry, but there are some natural old-growth forest kept and maintained in the nature reserves. Many pine forests have had recurring fires. This post- fire environment hosts a vast number of animals and plants.
Agriculture and heritage
The agricultural landscape and older structures are well preserved, because the villages in the Siljan region are kept under the ownership of smaller homesteads, which differ from the rest of Sweden. The small scale features are kept intact, such as series of houses standing close together. In addition to its high cultural-historical values, the landscape also has high natural values. There are several agricultural landscapes of national heritage interest from both natural and cultural perspective. Local village culture and traditions are always present in the Dalarna.
Fäbodar – Summer grazing farms
In the late Middle Ages, as the population in the villages grew, the summer pasture farming started to develop. This kind of farms became more common in the 19th century and was an important part of village life in the Siljan region. During summer, the cattle were taken to the summer pastures where they grazed in the forest. Today, there are still some “Fäbodar” (Shieling) with animal husbandry in the municipality of Rättvik, such as Karl-Tövåsen, Nyberget, Ärteråsen, Dalstugbodarna and Prästbodarna. Ärteråsen and Karl-Tövåsen are the well-known mountain huts as they receive visitors.
More attractions around Furudal and lake Ore
Furudal, a village on the shores of lake Ore, has a long history of receiving visitors. Here you can find cozy accommodations, including two campings, a local supermarket and bakery. On the village “high street”, you will find Spanish design shoes and hiking boots, as well as souvenirs in the “local retro boutique”. Furudal has its own Bistro with the so-called “Rättigheter” (Official approval) to serve stronger beverages. Here you will find many lunch spots with great local beer and wine. It is perfect destination for weekend or shorter trips. The local fishery conservation association can offer ice fishing opportunities.
Winter time Siljans region
In the winter time, many Swedish families go to Dalarna during “Sports holiday, or sportlov” to enjoy outdoor activities. In Furudal, the most popular activity is to go cross country skiing on well kept ski trails. The village has long history of ice hockey and has its own team and indoor ice rink. Ask the locals for advise if you prefer to skate on a lake. If your travel with children and would like to go sledding, there is a slope with lifts (Mostly open on sunny weekends). Apparently the lifts from the 1960s are still going strong.
Christmas in Furudal
Meet Christmas in Furudal a true heritage and festivity treat. It is a Christmas celebration with a history. The whole villages gets together to create 4 weeks of activities starting from ” first of advent weekend”. During four weekends the villages celebrate Sankta Lucia, Father Christmas hands out gifts to the children. the restaurants have life music with local musicians, you can buy gingerbread and Christmas pastries at the local bakery and the shops are open. For more examples please see ” Julen I Furudal” a text in Swedish.
When it is a bit warmer weather, why not join a guided hike in the local old-growth forest. You will walk right into a wonderful world of a unique forest with a friendly guide.
Nature sites and nature reserves in the lake Ore region
- Ekopark Ejheden
- Trollmosseskoge
- Gåsberget.
- Ore-älven – the Ore river
- Halgonberget